Hello to Everyone out there who keep up with us Hasley's. I have been planning this blog for over a month now...crazy, I know. I got the idea when I was packing up baby clothes of all things. You know, the ever so often time when you have to pack up what is too small and get out the next stage of clothes. That happens quite often in the house obviously because of little Evie. During our last pack, I had to go through hats and see what to keep and put up. Evie looked so cute in hers that I decided I needed to do a blog displaying her adorableness. But you already know, a blog in this house without John Reagan just "ain't hap'nin'."
Before I even had the chance to get started on my collection of pictures, John Reagan did what he does best...act way too adorable. Yes, I am a sucker for my little boy. Bear with me for this one...it does fit in, I promise. When we eat popcorn, there is a certain bowl John Reagan thinks he is supposed to have his popcorn in. And he knows right where the bowls are. They are the colorful, plastic, mixing bowls. One day last month, he decided to get into the bowls and play with them. I was in the kitchen when I heard, "Mommy, come here." I rounded the corner to see a bowl on John Reagan's head and a bowl on Evie's head. How funny! Jump ahead a night or two, and he decides to get in the bowls again. This time Daddy is home. John Reagan waltz' right past Greg (who is standing at the end of the bar) and tells Greg, "I need this," as he is digging in the cabinet. So I tell Greg, "Watch what he's about to do!" Greg gives him a minute, rounds the corner, and about hits the floor in hysteria when he sees the bowl on Evie's head. Needless to say, it turned into a family affair that I had to get pictures of.
These kiddos know how to be cool!
How funny is this?
This is my fave! Evie has to be thinking, "What are you doing Daddy?"
Here are the pictures of all the cute hats. I think Evie is adorable in hats. Man it's going to be fun when that hair gets long enough for bows. Just a warning, the girl already knows how to pose for a picture.
This is my favorite. She looks like a true Southern girl with this hat on. And how do you like that pose? That's my Southern Belle.
She wants to know, "Where's that Biter Biscuit?"
"Oh, Thank God!"
This is Daddy's favorite hat because it says "My first fishing hat." John Reagan has/had (infant size) one of these in orange. I wish I had a picture of him with his on.
Now, I can't get through a blog without displaying a hint of John Reagan's silliness...the Hasley side of family comes out in him sometimes...lol! I think it is the name John seeing as how Pawcaw's name is John and Daddy's name (first) is John, and John Reagan acts just like them when he is being silly.
Stylin' Dude!
For those of you who might not know, I can be an organizing freak when I've had enough. I had had enough when packing clothes. I was rearranging and ran across John Reagan's baby dedication outfit. For some unknown reason it had a big yellow spot on it, so I decided to wash it. Before I got it put back up, John Reagan found the hat. You know what that means.
Once again...John Reagan's silliness. He is fascinated with hats and loves to play with them and put them on Evie. So we have the backwards look for good measure. And yes, John Reagan did this. I think the shirt says it all.
John Reagan switched the hats of course. He has to try them all.
For the finale...John Reagan's bath towel.
This is where we give a great big THANKS to all of you who think our story is worth checking out, whether it's hogwash or not. We love you all and say, "Hats Off To You for keeping up with our craziness."
P.S. Stay tuned...I am trying to convince Greg to do a post on the things we consider "Hogwash."
I can't believe there's a picture of Greg w/out his LSU hat on!! Of course, in one of the pics, he's actually holding it. Did you have to pry it from his hands? And why are there no picture of Brandi wearing a colorful bowl hat? HA!!
Looks like there is never a dull moment! Reminds me of our house!!
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