Saturday, February 28, 2009


Our little girl is growing up. I know she is only 7 months old, but we still haven't figured out where the time has gone. She is sitting up on her very own now. I couldn't resist taking these cute pictures.
As you know by now, we can't get the camera out without John Reagan wanting to take a picture too. He says to me, "I want a picture, Mommy!" I'm obviously not going to say no to that adorable face. If you notice in the above picture, his legs are hanging off the coffee table. Then the progression to this... Unfortunately for me, he was so into whatever was on television that he didn't even know I took this picture. At least Evie was paying attention.

Evie got these little "instruments" in her stocking for Christmas. She loves them. Her other milestone is her new found, excellent ability is to pick things up. She could play with these things for hours.

I couldn't leave out the picture of Evie watching television. I have no idea what John Reagan is thinking about doing over there.

Maybe this is what he was contemplating. What a sweetie!
I put this picture in for Daddy. I love the blue jeans Evie has on here, but Greg hates them. He thinks they are too tight, even though they aren't. He says they cut her off. He unbuttons them when he holds her, so "she can breathe." I tried to get a close up of them unbuttoned but don't know if you can tell. I thought this was funny because she had just eaten and the way she is sitting with her jeans unbuttoned looks like she overindulged...kind of like a man when he has had too much to eat. I think she has been watching!
Daddy is already somewhat particular about what Evie wears. This could be a very interesting 18 years.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hat's Off To You!

Hello to Everyone out there who keep up with us Hasley's. I have been planning this blog for over a month now...crazy, I know. I got the idea when I was packing up baby clothes of all things. You know, the ever so often time when you have to pack up what is too small and get out the next stage of clothes. That happens quite often in the house obviously because of little Evie. During our last pack, I had to go through hats and see what to keep and put up. Evie looked so cute in hers that I decided I needed to do a blog displaying her adorableness. But you already know, a blog in this house without John Reagan just "ain't hap'nin'."
Before I even had the chance to get started on my collection of pictures, John Reagan did what he does best...act way too adorable. Yes, I am a sucker for my little boy. Bear with me for this does fit in, I promise. When we eat popcorn, there is a certain bowl John Reagan thinks he is supposed to have his popcorn in. And he knows right where the bowls are. They are the colorful, plastic, mixing bowls. One day last month, he decided to get into the bowls and play with them. I was in the kitchen when I heard, "Mommy, come here." I rounded the corner to see a bowl on John Reagan's head and a bowl on Evie's head. How funny! Jump ahead a night or two, and he decides to get in the bowls again. This time Daddy is home. John Reagan waltz' right past Greg (who is standing at the end of the bar) and tells Greg, "I need this," as he is digging in the cabinet. So I tell Greg, "Watch what he's about to do!" Greg gives him a minute, rounds the corner, and about hits the floor in hysteria when he sees the bowl on Evie's head. Needless to say, it turned into a family affair that I had to get pictures of.

These kiddos know how to be cool!

How funny is this?

This is my fave! Evie has to be thinking, "What are you doing Daddy?"

Here are the pictures of all the cute hats. I think Evie is adorable in hats. Man it's going to be fun when that hair gets long enough for bows. Just a warning, the girl already knows how to pose for a picture.

This is my favorite. She looks like a true Southern girl with this hat on. And how do you like that pose? That's my Southern Belle.

She wants to know, "Where's that Biter Biscuit?"

"Oh, Thank God!"
This is Daddy's favorite hat because it says "My first fishing hat." John Reagan has/had (infant size) one of these in orange. I wish I had a picture of him with his on.

Now, I can't get through a blog without displaying a hint of John Reagan's silliness...the Hasley side of family comes out in him! I think it is the name John seeing as how Pawcaw's name is John and Daddy's name (first) is John, and John Reagan acts just like them when he is being silly.
Stylin' Dude!

For those of you who might not know, I can be an organizing freak when I've had enough. I had had enough when packing clothes. I was rearranging and ran across John Reagan's baby dedication outfit. For some unknown reason it had a big yellow spot on it, so I decided to wash it. Before I got it put back up, John Reagan found the hat. You know what that means.

Once again...John Reagan's silliness. He is fascinated with hats and loves to play with them and put them on Evie. So we have the backwards look for good measure. And yes, John Reagan did this. I think the shirt says it all.

John Reagan switched the hats of course. He has to try them all.

For the finale...John Reagan's bath towel.

This is where we give a great big THANKS to all of you who think our story is worth checking out, whether it's hogwash or not. We love you all and say, "Hats Off To You for keeping up with our craziness."
P.S. Stay tuned...I am trying to convince Greg to do a post on the things we consider "Hogwash."

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Our Favorite Subjects

Aren't you impressed that it didn't take me 2 weeks to get to another blog? Since we have been experiencing a good bit of down time around here, Greg and I have been able to enjoy our most favorite activity...taking lots of pictures of John Reagan and Evie. Like we need down time to do that.
John Reagan is at such a great age...the time of experimenting with helping around the house. Seeing as how he loves water, he jumps at any opportunity to play in it. Now is where I have to tell a "dirty" little secret...we haven't been doing too well at keeping the kitchen clean. Two of Greg's responsibilities in the house are emptying the dishwasher and doing pots and pans. Since the dishwasher seems to run day and night around here, he has been having a hard time keeping up, so the dishes pile up. Here is where John Reagan's great helping skills come in. He discovered the joy of washing dishes or rather role playing in the kitchen sink. At least he is playing over the sink. He normally does this on the coffee table. Whenever he has 2 cups or a bowl and cup on the coffee table, he will find anything he can that has any type of liquid in it and pour the liquid back and forth between the two. Most of the liquid ends up on the coffee table or carpet instead of the cup or bowl.

How do you like the dirty face to go with the dirty dishes?
Still on the role playing subject, John Reagan has recently discovered Winnie the Pooh. I don't even know where he saw it the first time, but he has come to love it. We have a little balloon animal-making kit, and he likes for us to keep a few of the loooooong balloon's blown up for him. Greg got the bright idea of painting stripes on one of the orange balloons for Tigger's tail. Of course John Reagan loved this idea. And seeing as how Daddy has a great imagination, he put Tigger's tail on John Reagan. What fun! Until I heard all day, "Mommy, put Tigger's tail back on."

Tigger's love to bounce, but Tigger's really love to show off their tails.

Finally Evie gets a spot on the blog. We were moving a rug back into the house on this day, and John Reagan decided to lay his head down on it. Daddy decided to put Evie on John Reagan's back. It sure makes for an adorable picture.

I love this one where she has her hand in his mouth. Every time Greg would take Evie off, John Reagan would say, "Put her back on, Daddy."
Now you all know from blog reading that John Reagan knows how to watch tv. Well he got a little tool box for Christmas...full of power tools no less. He had them out playing the other night and decided to empty the box. He needed a good place to sit on. Who wants to sit on the carpet?

Poor Evie doesn't get as much blog time as John Reagan. One day little girl. One day soon. She is starting to pull up on her knees and rock. The only problem is she gets up on her elbows instead of her hands. She hasn't figured out the full progression yet. Greg decided to get down in the floor with her and try to get a picture of her on her knees. He failed at that task but did get some really cute pictures.

What a great pose! She is learning fast for the camera.

We have all been enjoying the warm weather the past few days. It feels like vacation...relaxation and nice warm weather. John Reagan has especially enjoyed getting outside. We have a chiminea in the backyard along with a make-shift fire pit to burn up some wood, and John Reagan loves to play in the soot for some reason or other. Between the soot, sand, and dirt (no grass in the yard) he was so dirty the other day that Greg just took his shirt off. Well, he loved running around without a shirt and quickly ran back outside to play, after he went and got his awesome cowboy boots. The boy's got country in his blood. You know what they say, "You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy." FYI, the boots are on the wrong feet.

He's even got the John Deere to go with the look. It's not really a toy John Deere, but it sure could pass for one with this cutie sitting on it.
Poor Max is just now discovering what he has gotten himself into.

In our time of not having to run off somewhere (like the hospital), we have gotten some things done around the house. The weight bench has been in the garage for over a year now, but we got it moved back upstairs. Daddy got to use it once before little boy took over. It sure does make a good, relaxing chair for movie watching.

He's usually laying down on it all stretched out like a man. We're going to have to get one of those pictures.

He looks like he just came out of the backyard here.
Hope you have enjoyed. I am beginning to think the only thing we ever do is take pictures. We just can't resist our two cuties.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Life in the Slow Lane

Life has finally slowed down a little bit here at the Hasley house. What a blessing it is to get a little rest. We have even had to entertain ourselves on occasion because we don't know what to do with the spare time. Too bad we don't always use it wisely. I know all the blogging I have been doing is good proof of our somewhat leisurely days. What can I say? With two kids the housework is enough to keep anyone busy. Just to be clear, I am referring to Greg and John Reagan. Evie is not quite messing up anything yet, except bottles and diapers. And you know...mommies don't make messes, least of all this! Don't I wish!
Below is a compilation of our past couple of weeks. I think I ended the last blog with John Reagan marking on Evie's face. I took a couple of pictures to capture the moment.
How do like the "hand-y" work?
I'm wondering if the markers taste good too.

I tried to get a picture of Evie's "marker" face, but she was a little hard seeing as how I am not tall enough when standing over the changing table. Where was Daddy?

As you all know by now, John Reagan is a fan of cowboy hats. He also is fond of Daddy's fax machine. I don't know what it is about the cord off the phone, but he loves to play with it. I don't think he knows a whole lot about roping, but he seems to have the general idea down.

When I have to pull double diaper duty, I always change Evie first and put her in her crib while I change John Reagan, who seems to think it is a great opportunity to get in and play with her. He can never resist. As soon as I am done with his diaper he always says, "I want to get in Evie's bed." This is a picture for the "What's Evie's is John Reagan's blog!" I am beginning to think I should have waited on that blog post. It was his bed first though. Speaking of diaper duty, John Reagan is showing great signs of potty training. Be praying! PLEASE!

Evie has recently graduated from being fed in the swing to eating in the high chair. She got her first taste of a biter biscuit about 2 weeks ago. She loves them, and I am not sure if it for the taste or because she can handle them herself. She thinks we should let her feed herself with the spoon already. This wasn't the best picture I had, but I couldn't resist the feet hanging out of those awesome pants. How adorable!

Of course John Reagan always has to get in the mix when the camera comes out. Thank God for super fast cameras or Evie would never have a picture by herself. I think I am probably just a tad partial, but I think these are two of the most adorable babies.

As is typical of John Reagan, he had the markers out and got them on his hands. So when I went to take this picture of that oh so very fashionable belt he has on, he thought I was trying to get a picture of his hands. That is why the hands are all up in this picture. FYI...I have thrown away every marker I have found in this house whether it worked or not. I am still finding them though.

I think this is my most favorite picture of all the ones I have of Evie. She was acting a little sleepy on this night, but while she was in her saucer she was watching tv and talking up a storm. She was so into the show that I thought she was sitting there watching it. I decided to check on her and discovered that she had fallen asleep. She looked so sweet that I couldn't resist taking a picture before I put her in bed.

Speaking of are my little watchers. They know how to get into a show. From the sound of this blog, we need to turn the television off for a little while. The warm weather needs to stick around so John Reagan can go outside more.

Oh yes, this is Evie's tv watching!

Well, if all the new blog posts on here (haha) aren't hint enough of how quiet it has been around here, then this post should do the trick. For once you didn't get a full novel in one post. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hal-le-lu-jah!You don't have to celebrate for too long now.

Love, Brandi