Saturday, February 20, 2010


Questions of a 3 year old:
"Is my brother ready for bed in your belly?
Is my brother going to take a bath with you in your belly?
What's my brother doing in your belly?" To which I responded, "Resting and growing!" The reply, "No, I don't think so. I think he's hiding toys in your belly."
Is my brother gonna grow up like me?
Is he gonna be this tall (One hand at the top of his head, the other at his waste)?
When is my brother gonna grow up?
How old is my brother?
Is he this many (holding up 1 finger)?
When my brother gets little will he be this many (still holding up 1 finger)?
When is my brother coming out?

Notice a theme here: John Reagan is adamant about a brother. When we ask him, "What if it's a girl?" he either doesn't respond or says he wants a brother, not a sister. When Pawpaw asked him tonight how he knew it was a brother, he said, "I just know!" He was telling Pawpaw tonight about how he was going to teach his brother to fish and hunt and all kinds of things.
Needless to say, for John Reagan's sake we are hoping for a boy. We would be perfectly happy with a girl but don't want total devastation to hit John Reagan on baby's birthday.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Milestones: Part II

Milestone #2 was supposed to be about our housing situation. Since the lady at the bank is new to her department and doesn't know what she is doing, house information is getting pushed back to Milestone #3. I know you are completely shocked by things being changed up on you.
So our new #2...
We are expecting Baby #3 to arrive in the Hasley Family around October 5th. I think it goes without saying, considering our situation, this was quite a shock to us. We have been walking around with dazed looks on our faces thinking, "Oh My!"
I really don't think the full reality of it all has hit us yet. It is amazing all the little things you forget about having a baby. We have always said we wanted our babies fairly close together, and Baby #3 will be the same age difference from Evie as Evie is from John Reagan. It works out well; it would just be nice if our current living/money situation was a tad bit better.
Oh well, we all know that God's timing is not our timing. Thank God he sees beyond what we see. We know he has a plan and purpose for this time in our lives. We would just prefer if he would indulge us with his plan.
We know John Reagan and Evie will be a great big brother and big sister...just like they are great siblings now.

Aren't they so sweet? Most of the time. As with everyone, we have our moments.
As for the baby, the doctor said everything looks great. According to the pregnancy calender, I should be 8 weeks today which would have put the baby's due date on Greg's birthday, September 27th. But the ultrasound showed the baby measuring 7 weeks which pushed the due date back to October 5th. The doctor did comment that Greg now has a better chance of the baby being born on his birthday with the due date at Oct. 5th. We half expect the due date to change somewhere along the way. John Reagan measured a week behind at one point in the pregnancy but caught up by the next visit. However, he was 4 days late.
I have been feeling well, not any real sickness. If I don't eat on a regular basis I feel sick to my stomach and sometimes when I lay down at night I get sick to my stomach. Other than that, I have been really tired. At least twice a day I want to lay down and take a nap. That doesn't happen though, unfortunately for me.
The hard part so far was finding a doctor. There was not a doctor within a 50 mile radius of us that would do a vaginal delivery after a C-section, despite the fact that I have already had one. I have to go to Shreveport, which is normally about a hour to a hour and a half away for those of you who aren't from Louisiana. The good part is Pawcaw and Nana's house is in between here and Shreveport, so I can drop the kiddos off. The rest of the bad part...I left 3 hours before my appointment on Monday and still got there late. I had to go pick Greg up from work, then get a bite to eat, then drop the kids off, then figure out where we were going, but still...3 hours. And I don't like being late. Greg is freaking out already about the drive when in labor. This could be a very interesting 8 months ahead of us.
An informative side note: I found out yesterday that you can write off mileage to and from a doctor's appointment on your taxes. So start keeping up with your mileage for that.
We are all excited! John Reagan seems to grasp what is going on for the most part. He says he wants a brother, NOT a sister. He also says, "When is he coming out?" The questions we get this time around could be really funny. He did ask me the other day, "Mommy, why is your belly so fat?" Fortunately for me there is a baby in there and I could use that as my excuse to him. Unfortunately for me, the baby is not the real reason for that answer. I now have to lose any complex I have about weight thanks to children and their understanding. Boy, am I ready for this?
Evie understands to the extent of she is clingy. She wants Mommy ALL the time now. Lots of changes are in store! Something about the #3 sounds so scary. We know that when the time comes we will dive in head first and within a week or two won't know any different. We just need our freak-out moments until then.
Fun Times Are Ahead...ready or not!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Snow Day!

I think February must be the season of miracles for the state of Louisiana. In the span of a week we have seen 2 miracles...the Saints winning the Super Bowl and snow that actually stuck to the ground. I can't tell you how much everyone around here is celebrating. I am sure it is all still a little surreal for!
Usually when the weatherman forecasts snow, we all roll our eyes and say we will believe it when we see it. We had high hopes this week though still riding on the excitement of the Saints victory. The snow delivered in full form too. It started Thursday morning and snowed all day. It didn't start sticking until around 3:00 p.m. though.
When I went to pick John Reagan up from "school" a couple of hours early, it was so strange because we could here the snow/freezing rain hit the windshield but there weren't any drops on the windshield. It was dry as a bone. You would have thought the roads were covered in black ice the way everyone was driving.
It snowed through the night and a little on Friday morning. John Reagan couldn't wait until Friday to go out and play, so Daddy wrapped him up and took him out Thursday night. He had a blast. He was used to our time in Tn. Every time it would snow we would run out and play in it in the fear that it would be gone by the time we got up the next morning.
We enjoyed ourselves Friday morning. Evie wasn't too sure about it all, but she endured. She and John Reagan tasted the snow for the first time and thought it was great eating the snow. We didn't get around to building a snowman. Evie wouldn't let me sit her down long enough to help John Reagan, but he didn't care because he got to make snowballs and throw them at Mommy. He has been anticipating snow all winter because he has been talking about how him and Daddy used to throw snowballs at Mommy at "our yellow house" in Tn.
There were many things we loved about Tn, but one was the fact that John Reagan and Evie always got to see at least one snowfall a year. That was not the case for us growing up in La. We would always hope for snow and very rarely get it. As a matter of fact, growing up the main snow that we heard about was when I was 2 years old, and the snow came up to my knees. That was my fondest memory of snow, and it came from pictures. What a shame! We sure hope it won't be that way for our children..."Remember our last big snowfall, John Reagan was 3 and Evie was 1." We might have to do some winter traveling to where it snows. We are believing this will become a regular occurrence though.
Thank You Lord for the snow!
A side note...Part 2 of our milestones will hopefully come this week. We were supposed to know for sure this week, but that didn't happen. We are hopeful that we will know this coming week.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Even though I don't know his name, for the sake of not plagiarizing I will say...
To quote a local sports broadcaster,
"Pigs have flown, and hell has frozen over."
Not only did the New Orleans Saints make their first Super Bowl appearance in franchise history (44 years), but they WON!
How amazing is that? If you don't follow football or don't know anything about the Saints or aren't from Louisiana, you may not get the full impact of how amazing it is. I am here to tell you, the people of Louisiana have been waiting a long time to see this event. The fans have shown the Saints much love over the years, including their taxpayer dollars being used to keep the Saints franchise in the state, and they are celebrating BIG TIME!
So we say to all of you present and past Louisianans and fans of the Saints. "Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez...
Let the Good Times Roll!"
Way to go Saints!