Monday, November 12, 2012


I wish I had lots to say about the month of August, but truth be told, I don't remember much about it.  That is not good. 
The big event for the month was John Reagan starting 1st Grade.
 I look at these pictures and think, "Wow!  He has really grown."  But these pictures don't do justice to him right now.  He has grown so much since.  He looks like a 1st grader now and acts like one.  My buddy is growing up.  Sniff, sniff!  You know with John Reagan, there always has to be a silly picture.  Like his daddy he just can't help himself.

I'm a little worried Evie is the same way!

I thought you would be able to see the girls a little better in this picture.  This is mostly what August consisted of...playing outside as much as possible before school started.
I am having a hard time fathoming that this was 3 months ago.  All three of the kids have grown considerably since then.
John Reagan is doing well in school and loves it.  We have not had any problems with getting him into class this year.  Thank God!  His favorite part of it...he gets 3 recesses.  This is a very big deal to him.  He is so funny!
Evie and Averi have enjoyed their time together...just the 2 of them.  They have played extremely well together and honestly needed this time to bond. 
The biggest deal has been that we have all turned into morning people.  Greg's mom said not too long ago that she never thought she would see the day we were morning people.  It is true!  It is scary!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Evie turns 4!

Our Evie girl turned 4 this July!  It doesn't seem possible that she is already this big.  She was anxiously anticipating this day and wanted everything Hello Kitty!
Like her daddy, she doesn't mind being silly.  She loves to laugh and loves life in general.

She had a blast and got lots of Hello Kitty clothes and toys.  She likes being the center of attention when it is birthday celebration time.  She has grown so quickly!