Aren't you impressed that it didn't take me 2 weeks to get to another blog? Since we have been experiencing a good bit of down time around here, Greg and I have been able to enjoy our most favorite activity...taking lots of pictures of John Reagan and Evie. Like we need down time to do that.
John Reagan is at such a great age...the time of experimenting with helping around the house. Seeing as how he loves water, he jumps at any opportunity to play in it. Now is where I have to tell a "dirty" little secret...we haven't been doing too well at keeping the kitchen clean. Two of Greg's responsibilities in the house are emptying the dishwasher and doing pots and pans. Since the dishwasher seems to run day and night around here, he has been having a hard time keeping up, so the dishes pile up. Here is where John Reagan's great helping skills come in. He discovered the joy of washing dishes or rather role playing in the kitchen sink. At least he is playing over the sink. He normally does this on the coffee table. Whenever he has 2 cups or a bowl and cup on the coffee table, he will find anything he can that has any type of liquid in it and pour the liquid back and forth between the two. Most of the liquid ends up on the coffee table or carpet instead of the cup or bowl.
Finally Evie gets a spot on the blog. We were moving a rug back into the house on this day, and John Reagan decided to lay his head down on it. Daddy decided to put Evie on John Reagan's back. It sure makes for an adorable picture.
I love this one where she has her hand in his mouth. Every time Greg would take Evie off, John Reagan would say, "Put her back on, Daddy."
Poor Evie doesn't get as much blog time as John Reagan. One day little girl. One day soon. She is starting to pull up on her knees and rock. The only problem is she gets up on her elbows instead of her hands. She hasn't figured out the full progression yet. Greg decided to get down in the floor with her and try to get a picture of her on her knees. He failed at that task but did get some really cute pictures.
We have all been enjoying the warm weather the past few days. It feels like vacation...relaxation and nice warm weather. John Reagan has especially enjoyed getting outside. We have a chiminea in the backyard along with a make-shift fire pit to burn up some wood, and John Reagan loves to play in the soot for some reason or other. Between the soot, sand, and dirt (no grass in the yard) he was so dirty the other day that Greg just took his shirt off. Well, he loved running around without a shirt and quickly ran back outside to play, after he went and got his awesome cowboy boots. The boy's got country in his blood. You know what they say, "You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy." FYI, the boots are on the wrong feet.
He's even got the John Deere to go with the look. It's not really a toy John Deere, but it sure could pass for one with this cutie sitting on it.
Poor Max is just now discovering what he has gotten himself into.
In our time of not having to run off somewhere (like the hospital), we have gotten some things done around the house. The weight bench has been in the garage for over a year now, but we got it moved back upstairs. Daddy got to use it once before little boy took over. It sure does make a good, relaxing chair for movie watching.
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