Wednesday, October 19, 2011


"It's a Festivus Miracle!"

We finally got our computer fixed. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Ha-le-lu-jah! I don't even know how long it has been, but I'm thinking around 8 months. The best part is it only cost us $35. Woohoo! The not so fun part is we went ahead and got it wiped clean, so we are starting from scratch and having to change everything back. Oh well! We are just so excited to have our very own computer back.

Couple that with the fact that we finally got our new camera, and I even have the software downloaded. Yay! That means I might actually keep up. For now I will hit the highlights with minimal pictures.

Another Festivus Miracle in our house is the fact that a Hasley child actually walked before he/she was fifteen months old. We officially have a toddler on our hands. She is still a little shakey and wants assistance on a regular basis, but she can and does take anywhere from 5-8 steps on her own. She is really working at it, which is more than I can say about the other two when it came time to walk. Averi wants so badly to keep up with John Reagan and Evie.

I should also mention that Averi turned 1 in September. I will be nice and not say how old Greg is now, but I will have a picture for you. Greg thought he would get out of having parties when Averi was born on his birthday, but that didn't happen. I figure I have until the time Averi turns 5 before I have to start with the "Averi Only" party, so I took full advantage this year. We had lots of fun celebrating!
We can even mention that we are finally getting into fall weather. Last week as I was taking John Reagan to school, I was really enjoying the fall colors on the trees and the wind blowing thinking about how wonderful fall is and how we love this time of year in our household, and I was quickly blown back to reality by the air conditioner. It looked like fall outside but didn't feel like it. The high Monday was 90. Thankfully the rain came yesterday, and we are in the 50s today. John Reagan talks a lot about Tennessee this time of year in preparation for snow. Poor baby still hasn't grasped that we don't get much of that powdery white stuff down here.

For now, we are enjoying Fall.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Proverbs 16:9

"A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."

I feel I am living this verse daily, and not necessarily in a good way. I plan and plan and see no fruit from the course I take. I know that daily the Lord is directing my steps; however, I wish to see the manifestation in the physical. I feel as though my world is in chaos and I am powerless to bring order. And I cry HELP! I do not know where to go from here except to wait. Unfortunately for me, I do not do well with waiting on the Lord patiently.

In the meantime we will keep on keeping on and enjoying what is around us and who is around us. Back in August we went to my dad's one Sunday for a fish fry and family time. My aunt and uncle were in from Tennessee. Of course we cannot go to Pawpaw Donnie's without going to see the horses.

Evie was not the least bit afraid. She waltzed right up to Shorty like she was the boss and in control of everything. We had a hard time getting her off.
John Reagan on the other hand was a little apprehensive. He wouldn't get any closer than this.

And this is results of three little boys and an exercise machine...

They had more fun playing on it than anything.

That was our fun-filled big trip in August since Pawpaw Donnie lives an hour away and school started mid-month.

To start off September John Reagan was full fledged into a stomach virus. We had 2 parties planned over Labor Day Weekend and had to skip both then cancel our Monday plans. Evie missed her first official day of school because John Reagan was nice enough to share his germs. Evie goes to school 2 days a week: Tuesday and Thursday, and she loves it. Here is her first day of school.

She was so excited! She is on and off about liking school. The night before she is supposed to go, she will say, "I don't want to go to school. I don't like Mrs. Sarah (her teacher). She told me to sit down." By the day of school she is ready to go see her "frands" (as she calls them). I thought we were going to have our first official breakdown on the way to school yesterday; however, Evie saw one of her "frands" as soon as we pulled up. She promptly jumped out and walked as fast as she could down the hallway to class. Averi and I couldn't keep up. We have a lot of fun listening to her about "school."

We hit mid-September in full force with a campfire. Our kids LOVE campfires, and they had been on daddy to get one going. Unfortunately Averi and I were contained inside because the stomach bug had now spread to her. Joy! So here is the fun John Reagan and Evie had...

Don't you just love the fun of childhood days!

Now that we officially have a new camera I will be able to finally catch up if I will just get the new software downloaded. When the day hits and I so desperately want to get started, it is the one thing that gets pushed to the back burner. I do still love you even when I put you off. Lots of love from the Hasley's! I know we haven't been spreading it enough lately.