Sunday, November 23, 2008


Have I ever mentioned I hate computers? Just in case I haven't, I HATE computers. They know how to get the best of me. They are like "The Slowsky's" (Comcast Commercial) when I need to get something done fast, and inevitably the supposed "easiest" task will turn into a nightmare. I have been working on this music all weekend trying to get it embedded into this blog. Because I want this one particular song that is by no means a common, popular song, I am having great troubles. I have tried everything I can think of, so this is my last ditch effort. That is until I get Kristen over here for Thanksgiving....hahaha! Kristen, you didn't know I was going to charge you for lunch did you? Just joking, but seriously, if you have any ideas to help, please feel free to share.




Kristin Amaro said...

Hey Brandi - don't know what your fussin' is about, I see your music file (downloaded and listed to it too!). Sounds like some zydeco-esque midi file. It's a rather large file too - so that could have contributed to your heartache. So looks like you don't need me after all...but, can we still come get lunch on Thursday?? :)


Brandi Hasley said...

You can still come to lunch, I guess. The problem is I wanted it to play as soon as the blog popped up. I can get RealPlayer embedded at the bottom of the blog, but it says can't play file because of possible corruption...blah, blah, blah.

Anonymous said...

ahhh.. makes me want a cajun christmas!

if you want to embed it on your blog page... check this out: