Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Kindred Spirits

We have all heard the saying "Like Father, Like Son." However, there is a statement that we sometimes neglect..."Like Mother, Like Daughter."
The other night I was in the living room, and I hear Greg, "Oh My God!" As I am walking toward John Reagan's room, Greg peeks his head out the door and says, "She is just like her mother." I walk in to find:

I am a very organized person. In our house, everything has its place and everything needs to be in its place. This is how I feel about things. I believe it goes without saying that Evie believes the same way. She had all of her's and John Reagan's little horses and dinosaurs and whatever else in critters and she was putting them in their place. At this particular moment the place happened to be the 18-wheeler with the dividers for all of John Reagan's cars.
This is not unusual behavior for Evie. Before she discovered the 18-wheeler, she would line the animals up on the window seal or the mini trampoline or where ever she felt the need. Since we have been in the house and she has discovered all of the stuffed animals, she likes to take her favorites and line them up on Mommy and Daddy's bed. That way we have a little extra work before bedtime...putting up the stuffed animals.
I have to say I do rather enjoy having a kindred spirit in the house. My hope is this will continue in the room cleanliness, etc., etc. I also like it because I have been living with 2 of Greg for 4 years now. I needed someone to be on my side of the fence post occasionally. This is not to say that there is not some of me in John Reagan and some of Greg in Evie. Lord knows that is not the case, and thankfully so. They need a good balance. I should say, WE need a good balance. I am just thankful I am not the only organized person in the house. Before Evie girl that was the case. Watch out men, that is no longer! Hallelujah!

1 comment:

Kristin Amaro said...

BAAAAAHAHAHAHAH!!!! I love it....I right there with ya, girls!

miss u guys!