Thursday, September 16, 2010

John Reagan

It only took me a few days to sit down and get started, but here I am. Lots has been going on in the Hasley Household this past week, and most of it has centered around John Reagan.
Our little buddy started Pre-K last Tuesday. He was so excited! We didn't have any problems getting him up and going. Can you believe how big he looks? I can't!
Wasn't it just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital? Back on track...John Reagan only goes to school Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. It is enough for him though. By Thursday he was wanting to know how many more days before he could stay home. Here is our big boy headed out on Tuesday.
He has a friend at Pre-K from last year's Mother's Day Out, Eli. He has been so ready to go play with Eli all summer. The great thing about Eli is that I went to school with his daddy, and we know that we very much approve of Eli and know that he comes from a good Christian background.

After our first week of school, Mommy and John Reagan both had doctor's appointments on Monday. Several of you know that when John Reagan was born, his right testicle was undecended. We went to Vanderbilt for it, and they wanted to do surgery at 4 months old. Of course we were like "No Way!" Now at 4 years old we had to go to the Pediatric Urologist again because it is getting time to take care of the situation. According to the Urologist here his left testicle is also undecended, just not to the extent of the right. Surgery is scheduled for December 15th. However, we are asking you to pray that God will heal this problem and that it will be so evident that we will have to visit the doctor again before our scheduled surgery. We are also asking that you pray this will not cause any problems with infertility for John Reagan as an adult. It shouldn't because he is still young enough if we fix it now, but we don't want there to be any question of infertility ever.

On our way home from Shreveport on Monday, John Reagan was trying his hardest to stay awake,which always involves a great deal of talking. Out of the blue he said, "Momma, one time I prayed to Jesus about moving back to Tennessee and he said yes. I miss our yellow house." To which I responded, "He did!" What is there to say to that? While Daddy and I were looking at each other going "Okay?" John Reagan promptly asks, "How long does it take to get to Jesus' house?" Greg and Me: "Ummmm?" Greg said something to the extent of Jesus living in heaven but also living in our hearts. I followed up with something about having to live a lifetime before you go to Jesus' house. John Reagan got really quiet, so we thought he was asleep. I started telling Greg what we should have said. Thankfully for us little ears were listening. John Reagan piped up, "I'm not asleep!" So we talked a little more about Jesus' house and Jesus always being right beside us even when we can't see him. Hew! All I have to say is please pray for Greg and me to have God's words fill our mouths in times like these and for God to help us be quick on our toes. We are only given windows of opportunities with these questions, and we NEED to have the appropriate answer.

One last laugh from John Reagan-he informed me yesterday on the way home...
"Daddy speeds faster than a woman!"

Baby Update:
I am dilated a centimeter, and the doctor scheduled the induction for Sept. 27th, Greg's Birthday! I go back Monday, the 2oth (Our Anniversary), and he said that he hopes my cervix is favorable enough to move the induction date up to sometime next week. I would prefer to go Monday and him say let's do it today or to go ahead and go into labor before then. I am so ready to have this baby and be done with this pregnancy. Hopefully our next blog will be introducing Miss Averi!

1 comment:

Rutledge 7 said...

great update! we will be praying for JR! stacey thoma is having baby girl #4, Sophia, tomorrow most likely!