Sunday, June 14, 2009


A few things I have forgotten to put in posts along the way!
I think this is my 3rd post about things I have forgotten since I started this blog. My track record is not looking too good.
John Reagan got a set of golf clubs for his birthday. One Saturday he wore his daddy out playing golf, so Greg got to researching. He loves to research. He discovered that Dick's Sporting Goods had their children's golf clubs on sale. Needless to say, John Reagan got a set before his birthday. We couldn't exactly hide them from him. He was a proud little boy.

John Reagan, like most kids I am sure, loves to play in any adult's shoes. The only two times he fell down our stairs was when he was trying to walk down them in Fifi's shoes. When Pawpaw and Fifi were up celebrating birthday, John Reagan decided to take a short walk in Pawpaw's cowboy boots.
At my baby shower for Evie, a friend gave us an over-sized towel that Evie could grow into. I absolutely love the towel, and it is by far my favorite thing right now because it is the only thing that Evie still looks like a baby in. And finally...the long awaited picture of Evie in her awesome shoes. The shoes could be rather big and you still wouldn't notice because of the size of those thighs.
Her legs are so big!
The bad news is that Evie's foot has gotten fatter since I bought these shoes, so I have to pry them on now. And they don't stay on very well. Guess I will head back to CVS and buy the next size up. Don't you just hate how quickly babies/kids grow out of their clothes and shoes.

1 comment:

Kristin Amaro said...

Those pics of Evie's legs are precious!! I think they look like my legs, I'm wondering why my legs are not cute like that!?! LOL....not really.