Saturday, April 4, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Yes, we did make it home. We arrived in Tennessee Monday night...a little later than we would have liked. Oh well! I know you have been in such great anticipation of this! Our trip wasn't much shorter than normal, but it sure did seem that way. We arrived in Louisiana around 6:30 Tuesday afternoon. Greg's first meeting was Wednesday at 2:00 and the last was Saturday until 3:00. When the trip is for business it is always very difficult. We don't get to visit as much as normal, and we always feel like we are running around like chickens with our heads cut off.
Now I have to tell on myself. We had the camera out Tuesday night because John Reagan and Evie got Easter baskets from Pawpaw and Fifi. I got the pictures of the Easter baskets and took a picture Wednesday of Evie in her Easter outfit. Then I sat the camera on the mantel. Saturday when I left the house to go to Marla's to visit, I grabbed the camera bag. Needless to say, it was several hours later when I realized I had the camera bag with no camera. I did have the camcorder, and when I went to use it, the battery had about a minute's worth of charge on it. Man, I was so prepared. The point of the story...I don't have many pictures from our trip.
I do have Easter basket pictures.
John Reagan gets so excited about candy!
Uncle Brad helped Evie open her basket. She was more interested in the string holding the basket together than she was about what was inside.
John Reagan, Duchess, and Velvet sitting with Pawpaw. Velvet is Pawpaw and Fifi's dog. These were the only 2 family pictures I got. Shame on me!
John Reagan was trying on Evie's Easter hat. What he is doing in the chair, I have no idea.
Evie in her Easter outfit.
That completes our LA pictures, but I do have a few more to share with you. John Reagan and Evie also got Easter baskets from Pawcaw and Nana. Below are a few pictures of them with their goodies.
John Reagan's goodies came in a sand pail. Along with his sand pail, he got a set of golf clubs (don't worry, they are plastic). When we got home, there was a new "Backyardigan's" (a cartoon for those of you who might not know) On Demand. This episode contains Tyrone dressed as a cowboy complete with rope and all. John Reagan decided he was Tyrone the cowboy. The pail became the cowboy hat and the golf clubs became his rope and God only knows what else. I don't know the logic for the golf clubs being the rope. I do know, this picture doesn't show the third golf club in the back of the pants. He was running around saying, "I'm Tyrone the cowboy!" On a side note, one day I am going to take the time to actually crop pictures before I put them on the blog.
John Reagan, Pawcaw, and Daddy ate all of Evie's green Peeps before we even left Minden, so I let Evie test one of John Reagan's when we got home. I think the face lets you know how much she enjoyed it.
And...our naked cowboy. What is it with these boots? Sometimes he won't take them off. Other times he doesn't even know he has them. He did fall asleep this night with his cowboy boots on. When I took one off, he woke up enough to say, "My cowboy boot. Put my cowboy boot back on." He only slept in them for about an hour and a half before they got too uncomfortable.
Auntie Marla and Uncle Brad laughed at John Reagan for making the face in the above picture. Ever since then, he makes it all the time. Sometimes I wish I knew what goes on in that head of his.
In the picture below, Daddy was trying to get him do the "show your muscles" pose. This is what resulted...
I was a little productive in LA. I made a diaper bag for Annie Ray (our soon to be first niece), and I was able to make a diaper bag for me that was gender neutral. I needed a bag that I could carry John Reagan and Evie's stuff together. I do have a couple, but they are all girly. I didn't think was too fair to John Reagan. I didn't get a picture of Annie's bag, but here is mine.
That was our trip in a nutshell. We have been resting up and recouping from the festivities. We always hate to leave, but it's nice to be home.

1 comment:

Kristin Amaro said...

I won't give you too hard of time for forgetting the camera - that's probably the one complaint I have about The need a REAL camera bag and you can't just stick it in your purse.

CUTE pics of the kids...esp. love the one where John Reagan is showing how "ripped" he is!!