Before I get started on May, I want to tell you about 2 special events that happened in April. I cannot believe I forgot to mention these in the last blog post.
Brylee's Baby Dedication was April 21st, and John Reagan had been asking to be baptized for a while. So we did his baptism the same morning. So so sweet!
I will have more pictures and a separate post on these later when I get my pictures downloaded. I happened to find these 2 mixed in with some pictures of my mom's I downloaded.
As for May, therapy started for Evie. We made it through our 12 visits fitting them in between 2 separate school pick ups. Whew! It's amazing how a one hour appointment 3 days a week can exhaust you. They have exhausted everyone. We have had some whiny kiddos from all the running with baseball, therapy, Pre-K graduation, 6 doctors appointments, and sickness galore.
Evie's therapy has been extended, and this time we don't know for how long. She will be doing PT with her OT as well. Now we have 2 hour visits. Thank God school is out! The sickness started with Brylee at the first of the month. She had an ear infection thanks to congestion we cannot seem to get rid of. Then Averi's tube fell out of her left ear. We suspected an ear infection caused it, and sure enough, she had 2 ear infections. I have yet to dig out the right tube. Our follow up appointment is Thursday, and they will get it out. We can see it. It's just too far back to get with tweezers. John Reagan was next to get hit with the allergy bug. Then Evie got a stomach bug; now, Greg and I are running fever, swollen glands, sore throats, nausea, and anything else you can think of in between. Since we got sick, Evie and Averi have thrown up. I can honestly say since we have had children this is only the second time it has been bad enough to say, "Are we ever going to get better?" The first time...this last fall. As a tribute to the sickness post I added pictures of the kiddos passed out.
We found Evie curled up in her tee pee one night.
And this is Averi's thing. She usually sticks a pillow under her or stuffed animal to go to sleep. She decided to try the couch a few times. And yes, she is passed out! She made Greg move, so she could do this.
I couldn't find one of John Reagan asleep, but I believe this shows his true personality.
We have had about all we can stand of this Louisiana weather. If we are outside for more than an hour at least 2 of us come in with swollen throats and runny noses. Needless to say, we are ready to leave this month behind and all be well.
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