Friday, May 3, 2013

A First!

The new year brought about a first in the Hasley Household...a broken bone!
Evie broke her elbow on February 25th.  And when she broke it, she fixed it up good.  We had an extra couch in the living room (that was supposed to already be gone).  This couch was in front of the door with the small basketball goal on it.  Sister was mocking brother and trying to dunk the ball by climbing on the couch. When she came done, she lost her footing and fell.
I was about to lose it because this was the fourth time she had fallen on this day doing random things.  Thank God I caught myself and told myself to wait and see if she was really hurt.  When she came up, I knew it wasn't good.  There was no drama!!  For Evie, that speaks volumes.  She had a look of shock on her face while holding her left arm.  When I moved it I could feel shards of bone shifting. 
Daddy wasn't here.  He was out getting supper.  I was feeding Brylee, Averi was beside me crying, and John Reagan was in my face talking.  Let's just say...whew!!
The local ER confirmed broken arm, sent us home with a sling, and set up an appointment with the orthopedic the next day.  While trying to work out insurance stuff at the appointment, the orthopedic was nice enough to go ahead and look at her x-rays.  He immediately said she would need surgery and told us we needed to head to LSU Health Center in Shreveport.  After a ridiculous 9 hour ER visit, they had us scheduled for surgery and put us in a room.  Poor Evie!  She was such a big girl.  Basically Evie broke her elbow, shifted it to the wrong side of the arm and fractured her upper arm bone.  She screamed more over the IV than she did her arm.  She ended up with three pins in the elbow shooting up thru the upper arm with a splint.  We were in the hospital one more day.  She didn't want to go home because we were doing everything for her, and everyone was being so sweet to her.  She said it was lots more fun in the hospital than at home.
A week after surgery, she finally got her pink cast!!

The pink cast lasted for 3 weeks, then we got the pins out exactly a month after they were put in.  We are now in occupational therapy because she can't stretch her arm out all the way, and she can't lift it in and close it all the way.  I know Evie's case is an exception, but I asked Greg one day, what happened to breaking your arm, going to the ER, getting a cast, and 6 weeks later going to the doctor, getting the cast off, and being done.  We have been through 2 surgeries, had 7 doctors appointments, and 6 therapies.  We still have at least 2 doctors appointments and 7 therapy sessions left.  Then we will have a yearly follow up because with this injury there is a high risk of the growth plate not forming right.  So to say Evie did this well is an understatement.  I even asked the doctor how she ended up with such a severe injury because I saw the whole thing and was having a hard time grasping what was going on.
I cannot end this blog without adding a side note about our experience with LSUS Hospital and Clinic.  Oh My Word!  Awful!  Our first clinic visit...our appointment was at 8:30.  We got there at 8:00.  At 3:00 p.m. I asked for pain medicine for Evie because we had not been back yet.  We left at 5:05 p.m., and they jumped us up in line by at least 10 people.  A 4 year old was left to sit there 9 hours without being able to leave for lunch.  Evie was such a big girl and really did great!  I will leave the complaining with that story.  There is so much more to be said.
Evie is making great strides in therapy, and we are hopeful that this journey will soon end.  We are believing that her growth plate will form normal, and she will not need any more surgeries.   

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