Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Kindergarten Graduation

How is it that I have a child old enough to have Kindergarten Graduation this past school year?  I don't know.  Greg and I were talking last night about when we first brought John Reagan home and how it doesn't seem like he should be this big.

For graduation, each child had to do some sort of announcement. John Reagan did the "Welcome."  Then everyone had their own separate speaking part.  The whole class also had to recite 26 memory verses they learned throughout the for each letter of the alphabet.  They all did great!

The big guy was ready to get started.  He was so excited!
 Of course they sang several songs as well.

 Evie girl always takes a nap at the wrong time, and she is not a morning person.  So you can imagine how she is when she wakes up.  This is what is taking place here.  She could have cared less about brother's graduation.
 Averi is always a good sport.  I am pretty sure by the look on her face she is getting her way here.  She had fun!

Looking at these pictures makes me realize how much John Reagan has grown over the summer.  Wow!  And to think in May we will be doing Pre-K graduation with Evie.
Life is definitely happening around here.  QUICKLY!!

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