Sunday, October 3, 2010

Birthday Wishes!

Happy 34th Birthday to Daddy! He got the best present he could have ever asked for.
Miss Averi Roxanne Hasley made her appearance at 1:41 p.m. September 27, 2010 on Daddy's birthday. She weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz. and is 21 inches long. Our biggest baby yet!
Even the doctor was shocked by how big she was. Neither John Reagan nor Evie broke 7 lbs., so none of us ever expected Averi to be so big, especially since my original due date (which was Sept. 27th) was moved back a week because Miss Priss was measuring a week behind.

She is so precious! We forgot how much we love having a baby in the house, and she is such a good baby.

She really liked her bath time and must think lotion is great. She was so relaxed while I put lotion on her and was looking at me like, "Wow! What is that?"

She is definitely a snuggler! Mommy loves this even though it makes getting things done difficult sometimes (like blogging).
Averi is doing great! We all are enjoying her very much, even Evie. Evie says to her, "Hey baby sister," all the time. And yes, John Reagan is constantly in her face like he was with Evie. The adjustment process has went well so far. Evie has thrown a few fits but is taking her frustrations out on Mommy and Daddy while loving on "baby sister." Thank God she is taking it out on us and not Averi! Daddy goes back to work tomorrow, so we will see how it all goes this week. Something about the number 3 is a little overwhelming. Hopefully like with the last 2 we will fall right in line and not know any different after a week or so.

We look forward to the day we can share our newest family member in person with all of you. Hope everyone is well!


Stacey said...

Congratulations Brandi! Glad you all are adjusting so well. She's beautiful! So funny how we have had so many things in common these days...or years. Thanks for your sweet note. Hope to catch up with you soon.

gayle said...

Contratulations, Brandi & Greg!! Averi is absolutely gorgeous just like her big sister and handsome big brother. Once again, you both did awesome.

meredith and justin said...

She is beautiful, Brandi! That is so fun that she was born on her daddy's birthday! I can't wait to see all of you.

Heather said...

Hi Brandi! Sorry I'm late catching up with your newest arrival (I don't check my hotmail very often). She is just beautiful!! I love the name too!! Baby #3 was a hard trasition mentally for me (are you ever really sure you're ready for another baby??), but the most wonderful blessing to our family. Can't wait to read more about Miss Averi. Congrats!!