I figured I better get in another post before the end of July since I left you hanging for so long the last time. I can't believe we are already headed into August. How crazy?
We have gotten settled into the house for the most part. The carport still looks like a mess, but we are working on that. Daddy has needed some playtime with the kiddos, so we have slacked off the work a tad. We had to strip all the paint in the front bathroom. We did that I think 2 weekends ago, and it still looks the same. Lol! We are at a point of being overwhelmed and don't know where to go next, so we have stopped. Not good with a baby 9 weeks away. Oh well!
We've just been keeping up with the daily routines of life lately, trying to enjoy it. Nothing much going on. We did head over to Jackson this past Saturday to spend the day with the Rutledge's. We had lots of fun and were so glad to get to visit for a while. I of course left the camera behind...shame, shame! I told myself the night before to put it in the bag and somewhere along the lines actually thought I got it in the bag. Lordy, Lordy, bring back the sanity. Thanks Rusty and Elizabeth for inviting us over. We really had a great time and can't wait to catch up again.
As for John Reagan and Evie, they have been up to their usual. John Reagan is ready to start back to "school." He's been talking about it a great deal lately. Evie girl just likes to do her own thing. They had been spending their time fighting over a fold out chair John Reagan has, so I broke out the Lightning McQueen chair to ease the frustration. Instead of getting their own chairs, this is how I found them.

Thankfully bedtime brings out the sweetness in them. I am pretty sure they know their time of just 2 is short because they both have been wanting snuggle time with Mommy. We have had to work out the every other night routine and learn to share Mommy. I do get occasional freedom like this night.

They do love on each other at least as much as they fight if not more. Makes it all worth while when they are being sweet to each other. It looks like the sweet times are the only ones I capture on camera. I guess that is because all other times I am too busy playing referee...lol.

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches have been the favored lunch item lately. That can be good and bad. It was bad for Daddy this day because the peanut butter ended up on his pillow. We haven't figured it out yet, but Evie loves to drag Daddy's pillow around. It apparently works as a good lunch stop.
And for John Reagan's inventiveness...the speaker for the surround sound makes a good drink stop.

I tell you the things I find sometimes.
The grand news is we have settled on dates for a visit to Tennessee. Yay, can't tell you how excited I am. We will be in the weekend of August 14th-15th. Yes we will be there more than these 2 days. We just haven't said exactly what day we are headed up there and what day to head back. We will probably come in that Thursday and head out Tuesday or Wednesday...not 100 percent sure. So I can end with, we will see you soon! Yay!

I tell you the things I find sometimes.
The grand news is we have settled on dates for a visit to Tennessee. Yay, can't tell you how excited I am. We will be in the weekend of August 14th-15th. Yes we will be there more than these 2 days. We just haven't said exactly what day we are headed up there and what day to head back. We will probably come in that Thursday and head out Tuesday or Wednesday...not 100 percent sure. So I can end with, we will see you soon! Yay!
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