Friday, January 8, 2010


Tonight I am being brave. I am venturing out. I usually write our post when I go to my sister's house or at Greg's parents house. BUT tonight I am at my parent's...on DIAL-UP. Did you know that people still have to fight with dial-up? In 2010? The idea is crazy to me. What is even crazier is the fact that all you are going to get out of this post is...That's All Folks!
No pictures, no long explanation, no anything. I thought I was going to get on and be successful in downloading picutres and catching you up on what has been happening around here no matter how long it took. Not so. This bleeping dial-up is not worth the pennies spent on it. All I keep getting is error messages. Oh how hard it is to go from broadband to this. The sacrifices we! Not really! Since this is a failure, I don't know when you will get the next update. I can say the serious house hunting has started. That really doesn't mean anything though because Greg has been checking the classifieds everyday this week and not a smidge of hope yet. We have decided to get a rent house and start the building process in 6 months or so. Hopefully sooner than later. That means when we move to Ruston we can get better internet service which in turn means I can blog anytime I want. How exciting! So for now, Happy New Year to all of you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it was so great to see you guys!! we miss you!

btw, the next day, jon got a terrrrible stomach virus and pneumonia, complete with an ER visit and no cruise! arg! he's much better and we're glad to be home. :)

i'll pray for the internet fairy to visit your parent's house! hehe.