Sunday, January 17, 2010


Most everyone believes the new year means a new beginning. I never really thought much on this philosophy until this year. I think it finally hit home with me this new year. I am usually not so slow, but I tell you here lately I feel my mind can't keep up. However, this philosophy does bother me a little. As a believer in Jesus, we can have a new beginning every day. A new beginning is not set aside just for the new year. Thank God for that! I have definitely been in need of a new beginning on a daily basis.
We do have a couple of milestones ahead of us to look forward to. I should say I have a couple of milestones to look forward to. Greg has been plunging forward from day 1 of the move. Being a man he says God told us to move and that's that. No worries, no sorrows, just move on. Why can't women be like occasionally. Notice "occasionally."
This will Part 1 of a 3 part series on our milestones ahead. I can tell you that Part 2 will come next week because we should know absolutely 100% by then what we will be doing about a house. Yea! It is about time. We are 14 days shy of being at my parents for 5 months. Can you believe it? Five months! It doesn't feel like it has been that long.
Part 3 should follow the week after, but I am giving NO hints on the matter.
Part 1:
John Reagan started Mommy's Day Out Thursday. It is more like a 2-day-a-week preschool because they work on letters, numbers, cutting, manners, opposites, and everything you can imagine along with bible verses and songs. I knew he would cry when we dropped him off but once he got into it he would be fine. Well, it was horrible. He just kept clinging to Greg and me and crying and wanting us to stay. Of course when I went to pick him up his teacher said he did great. He talked all about it and said he had lots of fun and has been saying he is ready to go back. We call it school because he has been wanting to go to school like big cousin Breyden.
Mommy is having the hardest time with it. I always knew I loved having my baby here with me, but now I am feeling the full effect of it. I can't believe he is old enough to be going to school, and starting preschool in August. Didn't we just bring him home? Where does the time go? I am NOT ready for what is ahead. Lord, prepare me!
Now, for the grand news...Hallelujah! My mother got Hughes Net the other day...satellite internet along with a wireless router. I can actually blog whenever I want, on my own computer, without having to go to someone else's house. How amazing! Can you tell I am excited? I have been having FUN playing on the internet for the past day. More like catching up!
Jumping tracks on you, I think my pictures are all out of order below, but I know you don't care.
I just love this picture. Cracks me up! Definitely their favorite activity if you look through our photo album.

We were trying Evie's new hair barrettes one night, and John Reagan wanted to try one in his hair.

Wild Hair, Momma! She woke up like this one morning.

John Reagan's first LSU hat!

Silly Boy!

Again with the favorite activity!

Sitting in the middle of Pawpaw and Fifi's breakfast table.

By the way, we are jealous of all the snow you Tennesseans got. Of course it waits till we move to drop down 6-7 inches. We know you all thoroughly enjoyed it!
One last note in case you are wondering...
this blog is being posted on February 6th; however, because I downloaded the pictures in January, the date on the blog says January. Blogger needs to fix that.

At Last!

Woohoo! I am back, FINALLY! Who knew it would take this long to get a blog done. I was so proud of myself the last time I did computer work at Pawcaw and Nana's. I didn't have time to do a blog, but I had enough foresight to download pictures and save them. That way all I had to do at Mom's was type in my notes. Then I realized the other day it doesn't do any good to download pictures if I forget all about the typing and posting. Real Good, Brandi!
I am a little ashamed to be posting Christmas pictures at the end of January (when the weather here feels like a spring day), but Hey! I am just glad to finally get to this. We had a fairly spread out Christmas this year. Christmas at Pawcaw and Nana's on the 23rd, Pawpaw and Fifi's on the 24th, and Santa gifts on the 25th. By the time Christmas day came around John Reagan was so overwhelmed he didn't know what to think. Every year I think we don't buy enough because we try to keep it simple and not make too big a deal out of the presents, and every year I am so glad we didn't buy more and actually wish we did less. They get so many gifts from aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas, till it all runs together and overflows. We found ourselves this year realizing it is time to do some serious discussion and research and decide what to do about the whole Santa deal. We definitely don't want John Reagan and Evie thinking Santa is all there is to Christmas. Please feel free to share any ideas. It is always fun hearing what others do.
John Reagan likes dressing up as Santa though. He kept asking, "Where's my other presents?" He had more fun opening the presents than he did seeing what was inside. As a matter of fact, he had more fun putting out cookies for Santa than anything. Christmas morning he ran right past the presents and straight to the cookie plate to see if it was empty. It was so cute. Evie could have cared less either way. She was having more fun playing in my make-up.
Did we tell you that Evie finally decided to walk. She was only 17 months old before she decided it was worth while. And we thought John Reagan waited late at 15 months. What can we say? They are laid back. Thank God!
Evie got a motorized 4-wheeler for Christmas from Pawpaw and Fifi, but as you can see, she didn't get the first loop. I believe John Reagan and Breyden are a little big for it. John Reagan likes riding the 4-wheeler instead of his Arctic Cat. Silly Boy!
We always swap Christmas PJ's with Breyden and Kenden. That's every one's Christmas present from each other...with a toy of course. We couldn't get all 4 of them to take a picture together this year. They were all too busy.
Christmas Morning!

Christmas Afternoon!

We had a good Christmas this year, and it was nice to not have to rent a U-Haul to drag it all back to Tennessee. You know what is scary...I have actually missed the drive to Tennessee. Who misses a 9 hour drive? I might be a little loopy!
The good news is half of us are Louisiana residents now. Greg's truck has Louisiana license and I have a La Driver's License. We still haven't gotten Greg's license deal cleared up, and I have to have a copy of my vehicle title to get myself legal. Long story for another day. Our confession: we both said it made us sick to see the Louisiana license plate on Greg's truck. Oh well!
I do have more pictures downloaded. Hopefully I won't forget to get on in a few days with updates.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Tonight I am being brave. I am venturing out. I usually write our post when I go to my sister's house or at Greg's parents house. BUT tonight I am at my parent's...on DIAL-UP. Did you know that people still have to fight with dial-up? In 2010? The idea is crazy to me. What is even crazier is the fact that all you are going to get out of this post is...That's All Folks!
No pictures, no long explanation, no anything. I thought I was going to get on and be successful in downloading picutres and catching you up on what has been happening around here no matter how long it took. Not so. This bleeping dial-up is not worth the pennies spent on it. All I keep getting is error messages. Oh how hard it is to go from broadband to this. The sacrifices we! Not really! Since this is a failure, I don't know when you will get the next update. I can say the serious house hunting has started. That really doesn't mean anything though because Greg has been checking the classifieds everyday this week and not a smidge of hope yet. We have decided to get a rent house and start the building process in 6 months or so. Hopefully sooner than later. That means when we move to Ruston we can get better internet service which in turn means I can blog anytime I want. How exciting! So for now, Happy New Year to all of you.