Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things

These are a "few" of my favorite photos over the past 3 months.

John Reagan is my helper in the bunch. He was a big help getting leaves up this year. His make shift wheelbarrow!

He wanted his golf clubs and his bike, and he decided he could have both.
This is John Reagan and Evie to a tee. He told her, "Evie, scratch my back." And she did. How funny! She is even getting instructions.
Evie girl loves the outdoors, and now that she has figured out how fun the trampoline is she stays on it. This was a cold day in February!

Our day at Jimmie Davis State Park.

And Miss Averi...
This is her favorite place to sit and her favorite way to sit.

Her favorite seat! Her favorite activity...working that tongue.
After bath time is just as much fun as bath time.

Whew! I am finally caught up. Now to stay on top of it!

A side note...I HATE when blogger decides to have a mind of its own.

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