Monday, February 7, 2011

Frozen Tundra

For all of you Tennessee Folk...
We have been watching in envy as you have had snowfall after snowfall dumped upon you. We know that some of you are pretty sick of it understandably and are ready for warmer weather. And we have to say we are not the least bit shocked that you have gotten more snow than normal either. I mean after all we moved, so the snow felt like it could return in full force. But, we are here to tell you...Be Thankful for the snow! You could be like us and just get drenched with freezing rain that really isn't even frozen. It just makes you cold all the way down to your bones.
Of course they have been calling for snow on and off around here. Our usual response to that has been in full form, "We will believe it when we see it." We do still feel this way after the miraculous snow we received last March. In true fashion snow was predicted for the middle of this last week. They were closing schools around here even before it was raining. In their defense everything freezes around here and you have to deal with ice and ice and more ice. The roads can be very tricky.
I must admit I do love to see bare hardwoods covered in ice. It is a beautiful site. And even though John Reagan repeatedly asks about snow, he has been enjoying breaking the icicles off and eating them. We do make sure they come off clean things...i.e. We don't break them off the house and let him eat roof run-off. Lol!
To get to the point...FINALLY! We woke up to frozen tundra the other morning.
Literally! It was a FROZEN Tundra!
Disclaimer: To all of you who know Greg and me very personally KNOW this blog was Greg's idea. With that said, Happy Winter from Greg!

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