My sweet little Evie Girl!
She has a mind and attitude all her own, which can be quite funny. She likes things VERY MUCH the way she wants them, and this does not stop when it comes to her clothes. If she had it her way ALL the time she would be in jeans and a plain shirt. Of course she has all these cute, fashionable outfits that her Fifi, Nana, and MaeMae have bought her. And Mommy being as stubborn as Evie results in "issues" over the clothing. I know, I know...we mothers are supposed to pick our battles. My motto on this is: When she is old enough to go shopping and pick out ALL of her clothes then this battle will be one less that I fight. That is of course as long as the clothes she picks are modest/appropriate for her age, covering her fully. As long as people are buying her clothes then my philosophy is she has to wear it at least once. Unfortunately this philosophy results in AT-TI-TUDE!
The pictures below are of outfits that pictures became necessary because I didn't think I would get them back on her. I am quite surprised by how many of these pictures she is smiling in.

This picture has been thrown in for good measure. Evie's hair is curly in the back and straight on the sides, so we were attempting to roll the sides here. Naturally she didn't leave the rollers in long enough to serve their purpose.