Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's Another...

I am officially halfway through this pregnancy, which means we found out Monday what we are having. The beauty of having a boy and a girl is that I can title this blog something like, "It's Another..." and still not give the secret away. Lol!
I promise I will not torture you any longer. We are having another girl! Yes, you read that right...a girl! Poor John Reagan!
During the ultrasound the doctor said, "Well I can tell you what I think it is!" Miss Priss was being less than cooperative on showing her little girl parts. My response was (somewhat hysterical from thinking of John Reagan), "It looks like a girl!" Of course he agreed, and Greg and I just looked at each other like, "Oh My God! What are we going to tell John Reagan?" I just kept waiting and thinking "please let the boy part show any minute, please!" Needless to say that did not happen.
Moving ahead a few hours...
As soon as we walked in the door John Reagan said, "Is it a brother? Is it a sister?" When I told him it is a sister, he started crying. He said through the tears, "I wanted a brother." He cried for about 5 minutes and somewhat came around to the idea of a sister.
Skipping ahead 2 days...
He has completely warmed up to the idea of another sister; however, he has not let go of the idea of a brother. We had to tell him that after sister gets here and things settle down he can pray for a brother just to get him to settle down. He is much better now.
On our way home from the doctor, I kept patting my tummy and saying to Miss Priss #2, "We do love you," because we were in total shock. John Reagan had convinced us he was having a brother. With everyday that passes we get more and more excited about a little girl. It always gets more personal once we know what we are having and give the baby a name. Now the fun really begins!
As usual, I will leave you with a few snapshots of what has been going on around here.

She is being silly by "acting" like she is laughing.

Sister snuggled up to brother to go to sleep, in Mommy and Daddy's bed of course!
No news on the house deal. We have put in several offers but for different reasons things have not panned out on any of them. Such a story that gets ridiculous at times. I told Greg tonight I am starting to wonder if we are supposed to have a house of our own. It's hard to keep it together when you don't have your own space. I know Greg would insert here that I haven't kept it together. What can I say at this point?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Swing Batter-Batter!

John Reagan had his very first t-ball game last Monday night, April 26th. What fun he had, and what fun we had watching him. He plays third base, and he is not very aggressive in his defense. He is far more interested in all his family there watching him. During the game the ball was hit in his direction once. He took off to the ball to stop it, then he realized I was trying to get a picture of him. So he stopped dead in his tracks, stood up, and smiled to ensure I got a good picture. So funny!
He is the youngest and smallest player on his team. For the Dixie League, the children are supposed to be 4 before April 30th. Lincoln Little League is a little more lenient on the age, so John Reagan was able to start this year. Down here they are more concerned with the children starting at an early age so they don't get behind.
For our first game, we were the home team. We took the field first, and like some innate, built-in sports knowledge John Reagan knew from the first day of practice the appropriate stance when on defense.
For batting whatever number is on your shirt is where you fall in the batting order. Of course John Reagan is #1, so our little buddy got to bat first. He didn't know to run to first base as soon as he hit the ball, so he just stood there. Poor buddy got out. He could have cared less.
Here is John Reagan with his coach getting ready for his first at-bat. FYI: the bat is the smallest we could find. They actually make a 10.5 oz bat, but we could only find the 11.5 oz. I told Greg it was so light I didn't think I could even do any damage with it. He got a good laugh out of that.

As you can see John Reagan is too busy looking at me taking pictures to be worried about what to do after he hits that ball.

Breyden and Kenden came to John Reagan's first game. Breyden actually had a game right after at another baseball complex, so they didn't get to stay too long. They had fun checking it out though, and they were big supporters for John Reagan. They knew how to cheer him on.

Evie on the other hand was too busy playing with Annie's toys. Annie is cousin on Daddy's side of the family.

It can be hard waiting for the ball to come your way. The coach pitches 3 balls to the players first, and if they don't hit one of those then the tee comes out. John Reagan prefers to wait for the tee. He did swing at the ball. He just swung WAY to early.
His first time on base. He even knows how to stand on base like a "real" baseball player.
Running to home plate!
Made it home! Back to the dugout now!
It is as much fun for us to watch the coach interact with John Reagan. He is so sweet and so gentle with John Reagan and pays him special attention because he is the littlest. A funny story about the coach...we noticed one night before practice that he has a UT sticker on the back of his vehicle. You know Greg can't stand to let that pass without saying something. We love everything Tennessee EXCEPT UT. Anyway, the coach is from Louisiana, but he did his graduate work at UT. So he is a big fan of them even though he teaches at Louisiana Tech. Unless you have followed ladies' college basketball for years, you don't know anything about the rivalry between the Lady Vols and the Lady Techsters. However, I come from a long line of La Tech Alumni, so I know all about it. There is not a bone in my body that can bring me to cheer for UT in any sport even when it is for the good of the SEC, as Greg says. I think I might have put this story about the coach in the last blog post. If I am repeating myself I am so sorry...just blame it on the pregnancy and house situation. We very much like the coach though and think he does a great job with the kids. So far our t-ball experience has been wonderful.
We have called and talked to a few of you Tennessean's since the weather has been so wild up there. We hope you aren't floating away and don't have any water damage to tackle. We have been keeping a close eye on what is going on up your way. Let us know how you are doing, please! We like to know how you all are doing.
By the way, can you tell we got our new camera lens in just in time for the game?