Before I start with the pictures, I have tell you that this blog is preaching to me. Most of you know that I have not been practicing any type of humility with this whole moving business. As a matter of fact, I have been in a bit of tug-a-war with God about the situation. When I came to the blog the first thing I saw..."For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Well well, who knew that when He gave me that verse to put on here He would actually use it to my benefit. Hum!
On with the story...
we have been busy bees visiting with friends before we leave. I am ashamed to say we have been spending more time with friends since we found out we were moving than before. We should have been doing this visiting all along. It's funny how something live moving puts things in perspective for us. The downfall is that after some time passes, we quickly forget the perspective we just learned and go back to our old ways. I hope this will not be the case for us once we get settled in Louisiana. We both would like for our life pace to slow down a bit.
We recently had dinner with several friends enjoying every one's company and catching up with friends who moved away a couple of years ago. My how our families have grown in just 2 years.
Every time Elizabeth would put the camera in Evie's face, she would either start posing or make a face. I just love this one. Cracks me up!
Evie and Samantha are just too cute!

"Why is the wash rag in the floor?" you ask. Who knows is my must have been time for laundry day.
If you are a regular blog reader, you know my children can watch television...a good thing and a bad thing. They were completely engrossed in some Backyardigan's yesterday. Couldn't pass up this shot!
Today as I was downloading pictures for the blog, John Reagan was wanting me to set up his Lincoln Logs train tracks but he didn't want Evie to play with them. He began to take toys and trash bags and any item he could find and proceeded to build a barrier from the wall to the desk so Evie couldn't get to his train tracks.
You know I couldn't pass up on this one. He only played with it for 5 minutes then decided he would break apart the barrier and share with Evie. Hilarious! These two keep me on my toes. Of course he is now telling me all about how she messed up his choo-choo tracks. Fun stuff!

Now that I am on the path to overcoming after my preaching, I will let you go. I am hopeful I will continue to keep a regular post on here in the midst of everything going on. You might be short on the picture viewing though. Half of the pictures on here today were taken by friends then emailed to me. Man, I have been slacking.
Bye for now,