I realized the other day that I have left you hanging on the house information. I teased you then left you. How nice is that? I can't believe it has been over a month since we started working on this particular milestone. Unfortunately the news is grim.
The Explanation:
Before we found some land we started exploring our options. We discussed building a garage apartment to live in for a year or so then building what we wanted (before we found out about Baby #3). We discussed purchasing an old house and moving it onto the property (something we were looking at even before we moved). We discussed building a smaller house and adding on over the years.
Then we found some land...5 acres outside the city limits at an outstanding price. We got a buyer/seller agreement signed and in hand. We talked with my brother-in-law and his dad because they are contractors. The garage apartment would be the most costly up front, building a small house would be hard space and time wise plus more expensive. Moving a house would have been the least expensive, but we would have been stuck with the exterior look to a point whether we liked it or not. Over the years, it would probably end up costing more and still not being what we wanted. It finally dawned on us to do a "manufactured" home (my sister's words). We could get the space we needed at the note we needed and in 2 years get rid of it and build what we wanted.
So started the search for a trailer. We found one we liked, but the salesman hem-hawed around for about 3 weeks before we said enough. We went Monday, found one, and were prepared to get the process rolling until the guy with the land backed out on us. The buyer/seller agreement had expired, and we believe (don't know for a fact) that he has someone pressuring him on the land because he had 6 acres right beside it that he had already sold and the guy that bought it was wanting the 5.
The End Result:
We are back at square one. As has been the case for the past 3 years, we have to pick ourselves up and start ALL over again. We don't even know where to go from here. Acreage in Ruston is extremely hard to come by. Acreage at an afforable price without site build restrictions is almost impossible to come by. As has not been the case for the past 3 years, we are now on a time frame. We have GOT to have a house before this baby gets here. Our stress levels are out the roof. Greg said Monday he just wanted to lay prostrate on the floor and say, "Here I am God," and not move until he heard something.
Please pray for us. We need some type of direction...clear direction. We have come to the point of questioning. We have both somewhat questioned already if we did the right thing in moving or if we totally missed God and mostly because of the way things have gone. Up to about 2 months ago, on a daily basis something about Tennessee would be in our faces. Now it is just about a weekly occurrence. And it is odd things, things that are out of the ordinary. We are at a loss and don't have a clue what is going on or what to do next. We need help!