Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Birthday Party #1

Oh yes! You did read right. Birthday Party Numero Uno! "Well how many birthday parties is this kid having," you may ask yourself. To be exact...three. To answer your next, we aren't in the business of spoiling on birthdays. The grandparents are, but we aren't.
"The story?" Pawcaw and Nana couldn't make it for John Reagan's birthday this year, so they came a little early and had their "own very" birthday party with John Reagan. We had lots of fun too!
John Reagan loves to fish, and the boys had a fishing trip planned while Pawcaw was here. Needless to say, it rained EVERY day they were here. So we decided to combine birthday and fishing in one. On Sunday, this would be May 3rd, we went down to the park off Jefferson Pike on the lake. I think the name of it is Jefferson Park or Jefferson Springs Park or something like that. We set up camp. Daddy got the hot dogs started while Momma and Nana unpacked and set up. Pawcaw and John Reagan went fishing.
They are casting in the water. I failed to get that part in the picture.
Evie says, "Let's get this party started. I don't care about fishing. I want CAKE!"
John Reagan's other love...blowing out candles. We had to light the candles twice because he blew the first round out before anybody was ready.
Evie is no longer concerned with what is going on around her.
Yum, Cake!
If you can't tell, our kids love junk food. What can I say, they get it honest.
On to presents...

John Reagan loves birthday partying, and he has it down pat. Last year's birthday is in-grained in his memory. As a matter of fact, yesterday he found a piece to the cake topper from last year's birthday, and he said, "That's from my birthday cake." The child knows how to party. I hope we aren't setting a precedent for next year's birthday. He is going to think the whole month of May is his! Oh Lord! Start praying for us now.
One last picture for you. It was raining for the party too. Can you imagine? Rain? What is that? We haven't seen enough of it this year. John Reagan said forget about fishing when he discovered the joy of playing in the rain. To be almost 3...what fun!

1 comment:

Mel said...

Too fun! Looks like little John Reagan is a master fisherman!! Hope you guys had a great time! What wonderful memories!